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International workshop on new challenges of decentralisation in Pécs

The Transdanubian Department of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the International Geographical Union (IGU), organised a two-days workshop in Pécs on 9-10 May 2019, about challenges of local governments and decentralisation.

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Socio-economic, Environmental and Regional Aspects of Circular Economy - international conference

The MTA KRTK RKI Transdanubian Research Department (Pécs) is organising an international conference celebrating its 75th anniversary and discussing the issue of a potential circular economy from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The concept of circular economy has not to take into consideration economics or environmental science only, other social, natural and technical scientific and regional aspects should also be aimed. Therefore we suggested a wide range of sessions to be discussed. Hence we are inviting submission of papers concerning different understanding of the concept of circular economy based on a different/multiple disciplines (geography, economics, sociology, regional studies, spatial planning, environmental studies, etc.).

More information is available on the conference website:

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Ilona Pálné Kovács new Director of the Institute of Regional Studies

With the approval of the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the Director General of the of HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies appointed Ilona Pálné Kovács corresponding member of HAS, research professor of the Transdanubian Research Department director of the Institute of Regional Studies as of April 1, 2015.

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Book on “Regional Impacts of Different Photovoltaic Systems” published

At present we are experiencing explosive development in photovoltaic energy production. During the past one or two years the number of installed photovoltaic energy-generating modules has started to increase both in the developed and underdeveloped world and capacity installation projects indicate a continuation of the dynamic growth. Costs incurred by the production of solar modules decrease year on year and the reliability and efficiency of inverters are also constantly improving. In addition to efficiency, focus must be placed also on the life-cycle of the materials used and on the reintegration of such materials into the recycling chain.

Photovoltaic energy production implies not only technical-technological prerequisites and effects but also social, economic and environmental factors and effects which are at least just as important as the former ones, consequently it is inevitable to carry out interdisciplinary research in this field. This trilingual book introduces the synopsis of the joint work performed by two research workshops of different profiles, where we address the most significant parameters relating to the social, economic, environmental and regional impacts of five different photovoltaic systems. The book can be downloaded at the link below

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70 Years Anniversary of Transdanubian Research Institute - Jubilee website

As a tribute to the 70th anniversary of the The Transdanubian Research Institute a special anniversary website has been built. The web pages inform the visitor on the history of the Institute, the directors, the major research programs, and the publications.

A special list has been prepared with key information about the former employees who had ever worked here as well. Photo albums show pictures taken at the most formal events and informal gatherings and group pictures on our colleagues working in ​​the institute.
The website also includes a chronological timeline of all the events in the past that have played an important role in the Institute's 70-year history.

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Ilona Pálné Kovács is now a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Ilona Pálné Kovács, scientific advisor of the Institute for Regional Studies of CERS HAS was elected by the General Assembly of the HAS corresponding member of HAS on the 6th of May 2013. Ilona Pálné Kovács (born in Pécs, 1954) graduated as a lawyer (1978), CSc in political science (1988), DSc in regional science (2000). From 2002 she has been a full time professor at the Department for Political Studies of University of Pécs, founder and head of the doctoral programme. She has been a researcher of the Transdanubian Research Institute from 1978, between 1997-2012 she was the director of TRI.

Her scientific field covers local and territorial governance, the institutional aspects of regional policy. Her outstanding publication activity – 393 titles, 7 individual and 28 edited volumes – are justified by over a 1000 references. She has been the theme leader of several domestic and international research projects (among them 3 framework programmes). She utilises her scientific results in practice in domestic decision support and expert activities. The interdisciplinary character of her research is justified by the simultaneous use of the approaches of public administrative sciences, regional science and political science.

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70th Anniversary of Transdanubian Research Department - Conference and invitation

The Transdanubian Research Department this year is celebrating its 70th anniversary of foundation. To commemorate this, an international conference will be held on June 27-28 2013 in Pécs under the title 'Territorial Cohesion in Europe'. The preliminary program and invitations and registration forms are available by clicking below. All interested are welcome.

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György Enyedi 1930–2012

The Institute of Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences sadly announces the death of Professor György Enyedi, a Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the first Director-general of the predecessor Centre for Regional Studies, the former Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the International Geographical Union. György Enyedi passed away on September 10, 2012 in Budapest, following a long battle with incurable illness. He was the founder of regional science in Hungary. Enyedi’s funeral service will be held October 8, at 14:15 at Farkasréti Cemetery, Budapest.

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The Missions of Transdanubian Research Institute

The Institute founded in year 1943, the legal predecessor and a member institute of the Centre for Regional Studies with its interdisciplinary basic and applied researches considers conducting international researches in regional science its primary target. Sticking to its mission having undertaken at the time of its foundation by its theoretical researches complemented by empirical analyses on the economic, social, built and natural environmental and administrative management contexts of local and regional planning and by its other initiatives and scientific and public functions wishes to serve for the development of South-Transdanubia, - the region which is generally referred to as the birthplace of Hungarian regionalism.

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Internationalisation of Social Sciences in Central and Eastern Europe Internationalisation of Social Sciences in Central and Eastern Europe

A new book has come out in English edited by Ilona Pálné Kovács and Dagmar Kutschar. It was published by Routledge.

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