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  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences Research Institute Network


International workshop on new challenges of decentralisation in Pécs
International workshop on new challenges of decentralisation in Pécs

The Transdanubian Department of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the International Geographical Union (IGU), organised a two-days workshop in Pécs on 9-10 May 2019, about challenges of local governments and decentralisation.

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Socio-economic, Environmental and Regional Aspects of Circular Economy - international conference
Socio-economic, Environmental and Regional Aspects of Circular Economy - international conference

The MTA KRTK RKI Transdanubian Research Department (Pécs) is organising an international conference celebrating its 75th anniversary and discussing the issue of a potential circular economy from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The concept of circular economy has not to take into consideration economics or environmental science only, other social, natural and technical scientific and regional aspects should also be aimed. Therefore we suggested a wide range of sessions to be discussed. Hence we are inviting submission of papers concerning different understanding of the concept of circular economy based on a different/multiple disciplines (geography, economics, sociology, regional studies, spatial planning, environmental studies, etc.).

More information is available on the conference website:

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Ilona Pálné Kovács new Director of the Institute of Regional Studies
Ilona Pálné Kovács new Director of the Institute of Regional Studies

With the approval of the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the Director General of the of HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies appointed Ilona Pálné Kovács corresponding member of HAS, research professor of the Transdanubian Research Department director of the Institute of Regional Studies as of April 1, 2015.

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Book on “Regional Impacts of Different Photovoltaic Systems” published
Book on “Regional Impacts of Different Photovoltaic Systems” published

At present we are experiencing explosive development in photovoltaic energy production. During the past one or two years the number of installed photovoltaic energy-generating modules has started to increase both in the developed and underdeveloped world and capacity installation projects indicate a continuation of the dynamic growth. Costs incurred by the production of solar modules decrease year on year and the reliability and efficiency of inverters are also constantly improving. In addition to efficiency, focus must be placed also on the life-cycle of the materials used and on the reintegration of such materials into the recycling chain.

Photovoltaic energy production implies not only technical-technological prerequisites and effects but also social, economic and environmental factors and effects which are at least just as important as the former ones, consequently it is inevitable to carry out interdisciplinary research in this field. This trilingual book introduces the synopsis of the joint work performed by two research workshops of different profiles, where we address the most significant parameters relating to the social, economic, environmental and regional impacts of five different photovoltaic systems. The book can be downloaded at the link below

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Territorial Cohesion in Europe conference - presentations, papers volume, photos

The Transdanubian Research Institute for its 70th anniversary organised a two-day international conference between 27-28 June 2013 under the title "Territorial Cohesion in Europe". The conference's presentations, papers volume and photos are available on the TRI's 70-year anniversary website.

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EUBORDERSCAPES - 2nd newsletter

The project consortium has published its second newsletter of EUBORDERSCAPES (FP7) project.

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New head of Transdanubian Research Department

The director general of Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies appointed Cecília Mezei as head of Transdanubian Research Department of CERS IRS HAS. Pálné Ilona Kovács, the former head of department will continue her activities at the institute as scientific advisor.

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"Federalism and Decentralization Research Institute of Hungary" -' closing event on 8 November 2012

The Institute of Regional Studies HAS Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies with the University of Geneva Institute of European Studies cordially invites you to the "Federalism and Decentralization Research Institute of Hungary". research programme closing event, to be held at the venue of the headquarters of the Committee of the Regional Institute of Pécs (Pécs, Jurisics M. u 44.)


The project consortium has published its first newsletter of EUBORDERSCAPES (FP7) project.

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Discussion Forum on the Leader Programme within the ALDETEC Programme on 9th May 2012 in Transdanubian Research Department IRS

As a result of a several decades' cooperation between the Centre for Regional Studies, the CNRS and the University of Montpellier III the institute was also invited into the ALDETEC (Action et Développement du Territoire locale en Europe Centrale) programme.

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