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VARJÚ Viktor

Varjú Viktor
Transdanubian Research Institute


Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Name : Varjú Viktor

Place and date of birth : Pécs, November 15th,1976

Marital status : married, one child


fax Centre +36 (72) 523-806
landline Centre +36 (72) 523-800
E-mail varju(at)rkk.hu
E-mail varju.viktor(at)krtk.hu

Education and training

2001University of Pécs Faculty of Natural Sciences — teacher of geography - urban sciences
2002University of Pécs Faculty of Arts — szociology - environmental sociology course
2008University of Pécs Faculty of Natural Sciences Doctoral School of Geosciences — doctoral thesis
2010University of Pécs Faculty of Natural Sciences Doctoral School of Geosciences — PhD

Language skills

French (reads)
English (writes, reads, lectures)

Places of work and employment

2002—2003Danube-Drava National Park Directorate — environmental operator
2003—2004South-Transdanubian Regional Resource Centre Kht — advisor
2004—2005Helikon Clothing Industry Kht. — Head Officer, controller
2006—2010Centre for Regional Studies Hungarian Academy of Sciences Transdanubian Research Institute — junior research fellow
2010—2016MTA KRTK RKI Dunántúli Tudományos Osztály, Pécs — tudományos munkatárs
2017—MTA KRTK RKI Dunántúli Tudományos Osztály, Pécs — tudományos főmunkatárs
2017—2018MTA KRTK RKI Dunántúli Tudományos Osztály, Pécs — osztályvezető
2021—KRTK Regionális Kutatások Intézete — igazgató

Teaching activities

2007—visiting lecturer, University of Pécs Faculty ofb Arts Department of Social Labour and Social Policy
2017—óraadó, PTE KTK Regionális Doktori Iskola

Scientific activity

2006—National Association of PhD Students, member
2006—Hungarian Regional Science Association, member
2007—Hungarian Sociological Association, member
2008—Assessing Accession, member
2010—MTA PAB Föld-,és Környezettudományi Szakbizottság, tag
2010—Regional Studies Association, tag
2014—2017MTA PAB Föld-,és Környezettudományi Szakbizottság, titkár


2006—2008Youth Researcher Scholarship of the HAS
2016—2019Bolyai János Kutatási Ösztöndíj

Subjects taught

Komplex fejlesztési politikák (University of Pécs Faculty of Arts Department of Social Labour and Social Policy)
Településszociológia (PTE BTK Szociálpolitika tanszék; PTE KTK Regionális Doktori Iskola)
Rural Development (University of Pécs)

Research fields

Environmental protection
Environmental sociology
The environmental aspects of regional development

Trips abroad

2008study trip — United Kingdom
2009Marie Curie Summer School – University of Sussex (Brighton) — United Kingdom


Complete list of publications and citations (MTMT Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)

Selected list of scientific publications

Viktor, VARJÚ 2011: Strategic environmental assessment in territorial level in Hungary. In: Halasi-Kun GJ (ed.) Environmental Protection of Central Europe and USA. Pécs; Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Hidrology - Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Regional Studies Transdanubian Research Institute - Columbia University, University Seminars, 2011. pp. 173-186. (Pollution and Water Resources : Columbia University Seminar Proceedings, 40; 2010-2011.)

VARJÚ VIKTOR 2010: Development and/or sustainability? Path dependency in the Hungarian environmental policy integration. http://www.regional-studies-assoc.ac.uk/events/2010/may-pecs/papers/Varju.pdf

ILONA PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS–VIKTOR VARJÚ (et al.) 2009: Governance for Sustainability - Two Case Studies from Hungary. In: ILONA PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS–VIKTOR VARJÚ (EDS.): Governance for Sustainability - Two Case Studies from Hungary. Discussion Papers. No.73. 45 p.

Viktor, VARJÚ 2009: Strategic Environmental Assessment in Hungary. In: GEORGE J. HALASI-KUN (ed.): Scientific and Social-Institutional Aspects of Central Europe and USA. Pollution and Water Resources - Columbia University Seminar Proceedings. Vol.XXXVIII-XXXIX. Columbia University Seminars, pp.322-333.

VIKTOR VARJÚ 2009: The impact of EU-Emission Trade Scheme on the development of environmental industry sector. In: B. BARANYI –I. FODOR (eds.): The role of environmental industry in the regional reindustrialisation in Hungary. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Regional Studies, Debrecen-Pécs, pp. 89-104.

Viktor VARJÚ 2008: Environmental Respects of Regional Planning: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Hungary. In: Ravikant S. WAWGE: Strategic Environmental Assessment. Perspectives, applications and practices.  The Icfai University Press, Hyderabad, India. pp. 47-58.

Ilona PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS - Viktor VARJÚ (ALSO EDS.) - István FINTA - László FARAGÓ - István FODOR - Viktor GLIED - László SUTUS: G-FORS Case Studies on SEA and ETS in Hungary, CRS of HAS, Pécs, 2008. [online] http://dyn2.hannover.de/europa/data/download/Projekte/GFORS/Hungarian.pdf

ERDŐSI F. - GÁL Z. - GIPP, C. - VARJÚ V. (ALSO ED.) 2007: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST project. Discussion Papers No. 59, Pécs, 68 p.

VIKTOR VARJÚ: Development and/or environment protection: environmental respects in planning and evaluation. In:Environmental Economics Policy and International Relations (Conference Book), The University of Economics, Prague, 2006 pp. 145-155

Selected publications in Hungarian

VARJÚ VIKTOR: A stratégiai környezeti vizsgálat helye és szerepe a terület- és településfejlesztésben [The Role of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Regional and Local Development] = Földrajzi Közlemények, 132. évf. 2008. 2.sz., pp. 213-219.

VARJÚ VIKTOR: Barnamezős revitalizáció kultúrával [Brownfield revitalisation with culture]. In: Pap Norbert (szerk.) Kultúra-Területfejlesztés. Pécs-Európa Kulturális Fővárosa 2010-ben. Geographia Pannonica Nova sorozat 2. Imedias Kiadó, Pécs, 2008. pp. 201-212.

VARJÚ VIKTOR: Területi szempontú környezeti értékelés és társadalmi részvétel a területi tervezésben [Location-based Environmental Assessment and Social Participation in Spatial Planning]. In: Balogh Margit (szerk.): Diszciplínák határain innen és túl. Fiatal kutatók fóruma 2. - 2006. MTA Társadalomkutató Központ, Budapest, 2007. pp. 333-349.