Hungarian and Slovak
Cross-border Cooperation
Programme 2007-2013
HUSK 0801/1.6.1/0003/01 Tanuljunk egymástól! Učme sa jeden od druhého! Let us learn from each other!
(Geographical Selections Without Borders)
napjaink magyar természet-,
társadalom- és gazdaságföldrajzi írásaiból
(from present-day hungarian and slovak papers
on natural, social and economic geography)
Edited by Mezei, István and Dušan, Barabas
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Centre for Regional Studies
Šafárik University of Košice
Geography Department
Pécs–Košice, 2010
The contents of the publications, the summary of the conference and the description of the project are available (in english).
I. book (in hungarian) natural geography 13 Mb (download)
II. book (in hungarian) social and economic geography 6,5 Mb (download)
Slovak papers are available in the website of Šafárik University.