RCERS HAS CNHRD as a lead partner with its Slovakian and Czech partners will organise two workshops in March and May 2012 on Patterns of spatial and ethnic inequalities in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary. The project is funded by the Visegrad Fund.
Aim of the project
In all three states participating in the application the number of Roma population is considerable, at the same time significant differences can be detected in terms of the spatial (rural-urban) and social positions (extent of poverty, educational background, spatial and social segregation) of the Roma people. The objective of the project is that the researchers, policy makers, experts of the various states shall get acquainted with one another’s work and achievements, and to establish the theoretical framework of thinking about Roma people and to present good practices against social exclusion, development opportunities, in this way creating the foundation of future research suitable for relevant comparison of the countries. In the framework of the project we plan to organise two workshops.
Workshop 1 (29–31 March, 2012): Possibility of educational integration policy in segregated local communities
29 March
11 Visiting Roma communities in Eastern Slovakia
13–14 Lunch
15–17 Presentations of the Slovak team (Technical University of Košice)
Daniel Klimovsky: Slovak anti-poverty and social inclusion policy download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Milka Kacmarcikova: Social inclusion programs in practice: Experience of ETP Slovakia further information here
Tomas Zelinsky: Analysis of ETP microfinance program success factors download the presentation here: EN HU SK
30 March
10–15 Visiting the Roma community in Sajókaza, participate lessons in the Ámbedkar Secondary School, visiting a Roma settlement
16–19 Presentations in Miskolc – http://hoteltokert.hu/
Michal Vasecka: Education of Roma as the greatest Challenge of Inclusion Policies download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Kende Ágnes: “Give Kids a Chance” – The Child Opportunity Program of Szécsény download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Katerina Sidiropulu Janku: Ostrava Roma Library download the presentation here: CZ EN HU
Zolnay János: Promoting equal opportunities at primary school in Hungary download the presentation here: EN HU SK
19– Dinner
During and after dinner: discussion about the presentations
31 March
10–12 Discussion about the presentations
Workshop 2 (May 3–4, 2012, Ostrava, Czech Republic)
3 May
10–12.30 Patterns of Social and Spatial Exclusion in Czech Republic and Hungary
Michal Vasecka: Theoretical approach to the ghettoization process download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Katerina Sidiropulu Janku: Spatial patterns of Roma socially excluded localities in the Czech Republic download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Koós Bálint: The territorial dimension of social exclusion and child poverty in Hungary download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Virág Tünde: Polarization of settlements. Patterns of Social and Ethnic Spatial Segregation in Hungary download the presentation here: EN HU SK
12.30–13.30 Lunch
13.30–16.00 Policy strategies against social exclusion in the post-socialist cities
Lucie Galcanova: Towards the purer city: Spatial aspect of social exclusion and its interpretation on the level of everyday political practice download the presentation here: CZ EN HU
Tagai Gergely: Desegregation Plan in the Hungarian Integrated Urban Development Strategies download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Hana Synkova: Agency for social inclusion as a Czech government tool to influence municipal policies download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Zolnay János: Urban segregation and local strategies download the presentation here: EN HU SK
16.00–16.30 Coffee break
16.30–18.30 Complex Program against Segregation in Slovakia
Slavomira Macakova: From Marginalized Roma Segregation to Integration – the Role of Non-Formal Education further information here
Alica Merasicka & Tomas Zelinsky: Comparison of two rounds of IDA microsaving program download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Lubomira Dulova & Tomas Zelinsky: Microsavings and Education download the presentation here: EN HU SK
Kornelia Furjeszova & Tomas Zelinsky: Microsavings and Employment Discussion download the presentation here: EN HU SK
4 May: Ostrava and its socially excluded localities
10–13 Ostrava-Vitkovice – post-industrial socially excluded locality (tram from Ostrava downtown)
13–14 Lunch
14–18 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz: post-industrial socially excluded localities (walk from hotel and by cars)
Lead partner:
Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Central and North Hungarian Research Department
Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Ekonomická fakulta / Technical university of Košice, Faculty of Economics
Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií / Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies
The project is funded by the Visegrad Fund.